KPaulus Productions
Video Production
In my role as a news reporter and production assistant, I demonstrate a versatile skill set encompassing storytelling, scriptwriting, and camera work. Contributing to a diverse range of compelling and impactful videos.

Indian Horse Relay
Package Report
I had the pleasure of reporting on the first-ever Indian Horse Relay event at the North Dakota State Fair. What an intense event to witness and capture this incredible sport.
Rage Room
Package Report
This project was a package story about the new Rage Room opening up in Minot, N.D. I had a blast capturing incredible footage while partaking in the rage room.
I update commercials daily, adding upcoming events for many clients.
Sometimes, as the production team, we have to improvise some of our shoots and develop scripts off the top of our heads. This commercial was one of those ideas on the fly. Our client was a trooper and loved the commercial we created for her.
Video Footage Featuring Talented Musicians Faith Kelly and Caswynmoon. This footage is part of the Blue Rider Documentary, filmed in Minot, ND.